- Access to a specific course of study without a Reifeprüfung (General Higher Entrance Examination)
- Suitable for a vocational or non-vocational educational background to the course of study
- Limited Higher Education entitlement
- Change of study programme only possible to a limited extent
- No immediate opportunity for advancement
The Limited Higher Education Entrance Examination (Studienberechtigungsprüfung, SBP) facilitates access to a specific university, University College or University of Applied Sciences study programme, and to a specific Post-secondary VET Course or a University College for Teacher Training. In addition to the evidence of a vocational or non-vocational educational background suitable for the intended study programme, the requirements are a minimum age of 20 years and citizenship of one of the Member States of the EEA.
The Limited Higher Education Entrance Examination only enables access to the type of education and training for which the Limited Higher Education Entrance Examination was specifically taken. Changing study programme is only possible to a limited extent. The Limited Higher Education Entrance Examination alone usually does not offer immediate opportunities for professional advancement.
Five examinations must be taken according to the stipulations of the relevant Rectorship, which are oriented towards the 12th and 13th school years and are related to the intended study programme.
Preparation for the examination is carried out either on the basis of independent study or in the context of preparatory courses (Vorbereitungslehrgänge) and at least one of the examinations must be taken at the intended educational institution.
Since 2010 the autonomy over the Limited Higher Education Entrance Examination lies with university colleges, which deal with this examination differently. Therefore, it is necessary to contact the particular university college in order to receive more specific information.
The next step
Successful completion of the Limited Higher Education Entrance Examination authorises leavers to pursue a further course of study in the type of education and training or specific study group that they selected in advance. In the case of study programmes with exceptional procedures, completing the Limited Higher Education Entrance Examination is still no guarantee of admission onto the selected course of study.
Source (in German)
Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research – Limited Higher Education Entrance Examination (SBP)
AMS Education and training compass
Further information can be found on the internet (in German)
Adult Education – Limited Higher Education Entrance Examination